Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July Meeting - Red, White, & Blue

After business it was Show & Tell by Michaela, Rita, Debbie, Ruth Ann, Christine, Barb, Maria, and Kathleen.

Michaela finished the quilt of raffle blocks she won last month.
Strawberries of many varieties were featured,
including a chocolate dipped one!

A butterfly quilt that's nearly ready for a granddaughter.
Little did Rita know at the time that a new grandchild's
early arrival would delay the finish!
Congrats, Grandma!


Debbie brought two beautiful old quilts that she was given..... 
keeping them in the family :)

Ruth Ann's quilt is almost ready to be gifted.


Christine wasn't so fond of her quilted runner but we all loved it.
It's the hundred dollar runner with a story.

Everyone knows if you bring a purse or bag to show and tell 
you must model it.  Work it, Barb.

Maria's patriotic pillow

Kathleen's "finally figured out what to do with the stripes" quilt

Next up:
Red, white, and blue with a story.

When Cari's kids were little, quilter's would gather each month at Cari's house. For Cari's birthday the quilters each took a month or holiday and made a little themed quilt for her.

This was Barb's "make it work" log cabin with kitties project.

 Louise and Kathy display the QOV challenge quilt that we presented to Mr John Johnson, a veteran of the US Air Force.  Kathy attended his funeral in late June and prior to his death he asked her to give his quilt to his daughter.

We brought charm squares that were any variation of red, white, and blue.
Cari brought special dice.
We rolled the dice and traded squares.  Hilarity ensued at times as we tried to figure out who we were trading with & where we were grabbing squares from. 
A few of us changed the rules a little (don't tell!) for added fun.


I'm pretty sure a few of us went home with enough 5" squares 
to get a good start on a quilt for Sage Cancer Center.  
Hurry!  They are due in October!

 Next meeting:  Shibori by Marge Schnieder

Photo credit:  Margie Paffrath
Thanks, Margie!

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