January's meeting was busy!
So much going on with new officers and new committees leaders,
new challenges and new projects.
Pack your bags, we are holding a guild retreat!
Space has been reserved for the end of September at the Grove Retreat in Evansville, WI. It's a super deal and many slots were filled the night of the meeting, but there are still some openings - first come (first paid), first served.
Sign ups happened for Secret Sisters and UFO forms were passed.
Fidget Quilts for local nursing homes and other care facilities
will be our comunity service project for the year.
We're doing a Round Robin this year.
Kathy brought her's to help explain the process.
Show & Tell
Kathy's sneaky peeky snowman quilt ....
.... and her rainbow bargello quilt.
Ruth Ann's adorable little piggy.
Kim's sea glass fabrics quilt.
Carol was inspired by the HoHo raffle blocks to make a table runner.
Program: Vintage quilts
We were treated to a display of vintage quilts
brought by Holly, Kim, Karen, and Val.
Some serious quilty eye candy and so much inspiration.
I know I saw at least a dozen that I want to make!

Thank you for sharing your treasures!